Man dies for six minutes, revealing what happens after death – ‘The truth terrified me’

I believe that at some point in our lives, most of us wondered what happens after death? Is there after life? Are the concepts of heaven and hell real? There are a lot of questions that are left unanswered regarding this controversial topic.

According to him, at the time he was still a teenager, 15 years old to be exact, he “died for six minutes” and was taken to heaven. Namely, back in 2003, he simply collapsed on the road before experiencing the spiritual journey that left many stunned.

That day seemed like any other. He was feeling perfectly fine, when suddenly, he experienced a cold sweat, started losing his breath, and suffered ventricular fibrillation, which is an abnormal heart rhythm.
“During my visit, I learned things about our universe that I wish I hadn’t,” the user wrote, as per  The Mirror. “It began with light. Blinding, white, pervasive. It bathed me, calmed me. It was everything they tell you about. Beatific, welcoming, the stuff of spiritual experiences.”

“I arrived in a place without dimension, a place beyond reality. It only made sense while I occupied it. I don’t believe a corporeal being can make sense of the astral plane, something about its intangible existence defies translation.

“So what I came away with were more impressions than images. I was not alone. Several life forces enclosed me upon my arrival. At first, because of my Christian upbringing, I believed them to be angels. In my incorporeal form, I made the spiritually-equivalent gesture of opening my arms, anticipating their embrace,” he said.

“Instead, I felt myself shackled by their powers, like a collared dog. Humiliation and terror came over me. These were not the ethereal beings I’d been led to believe await us. These were cruel, unsympathetic overlords by whom I was fettered.”
The creatures ridiculed the man, telling him the world was sort of a ‘soul-farming’ exercise for a kind of higher being and that upon their passing, the souls of the humans goes to them. The man also claimed they tortured him and told him not to tell anyone about what he had seen.

When his heart was restarted and he got back to life, he shared the story with the doctors and his love ones who claimed his vision was a result of trauma and his young age.

However, no matter others tried to convince him his experience was unreal, he knew what he had seen.

The man’s post gathered plenty of comments, with many people sharing their own near-death experiences.

This isn’t the first time someone to claim they have seen heaven.

What do you think of this man’s story?

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